Two men celebrate 25 years together by traveling the country to get married in every state where they can, in this award-winning documentary narrated by George Takei. "Equal parts love story and political protest" -TIME

Monday, December 5, 2011

Happy New Hampshire Anniversary

A year ago today, Pat and Stephen celebrated their third wedding on a covered bridge in New Hampshire. In 2009, New Hamphsire became the fifth state to permanently legalize same-sex marriage. However, conservative lawmakers are currently working to overturn the law.

This clip is an excerpt from Stephen and Pat's New Hampshire wedding. You can wish them a happy anniversary by leaving a comment on this post.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sneak Peek: Vermont

One Year Ago: The Wedding Tour Begins

One year ago today, Stephen and Pat launched a cross-country "Wedding Tour," to celebrate 25 years together, and make a statement for marriage equality, by getting married in every state  that would let them. On December 4, 2010, they were married in a Vermont farm house. If you support their mission, please wish them a Happy Anniversary by commenting on this post.